12月11日,香港警方对金钟的占领区进行大举清场。在清场前一天晚22点,大批市民在得知第二日即将清场的消息,纷纷重回旧地,占领运动呈现万人 空巷的景象。苹果日报表示:证明了港人并无忘初衷。据报道,“最后一夜”有人收拾细软保留实力;有人以扫描留下最美丽的画面;有人拍照留念;有人不舍而落 泪。有市民表示会陪伴双学及泛民议员留守至被捕,但亦告诉政府他们爭取公民提名和真普选的诉求不会因清场而消逝“We Will Be Back”。
何 韵诗在金钟占领区最后一夜到大台发言,她指自己第一次上台唱《撑起雨伞》时相当紧张,但相反今日心情平靜,亦看到香港有希望。她说相信香港人在有需要时会 “随时再返嚟”,明日清场不过是將运动转化,以另一种方式去抗爭。她亦在发言中再次呼吁警方,明日不要使用暴力清场。次日下午,何韵诗被警方带走。
占中发起人之一戴耀廷接受《信报》专访时 说,政府单靠清场不能解決问题,建议北京即使不改变2017年普选安排,人大常委会亦应通过决议,承諾香港2022年有符合国际水平的真普选,这或许可化 解香港的管治危机,但他预计在国家主席习近平的強势管治下,北京未必愿意作此承诺。戴耀廷认为若北京愿意承诺香港2022年有真普选,占中三子可发动电子 投票,再问市民会否支持立法会通过政改方案,让泛民议员參考民意。但若北京只由领导人作口头承诺,而非白紙黑字承諾,占中三子则不会就此发动全民投票。他 说“理解北京在占领行动期间不愿意让步,但认为在占领过后,各方应冷靜思考如何解決管治问题”,又指若北京对香港愈強硬,只会令港人对抗中央的情緒更高, 更难爭取中间派支持。
邓 小平提出的“一国两制”框架“50年不变”,港人强调的是“两制”,但对北京来说,则是“一国”更为关键。北京认为,香港现在是中国的了,它在1984年 与英国签署联合声明是为了收回香港,而扩大香港人的民主权利则并非目的。港人认为自己与大陆不同,多次民调数据显示,大多数香港人认为自己是“香港人”, 而不只是“中国人”。香港民众认为,高度文明和法治社会,行使民主权利是理所当然的事。但北京将香港普选一事当作对“一国”的挑战,发表的《白皮书》也展 示了,北京是不会在相关“主权问题”上轻易让步的。
中央起草《基本法》时的构思是,建立一个没有政党背景的行政长官、和高素质公务员队伍 的政治管理体系。在北京看来,香港不需要发展政党政治,否则很容易成为难以控制的反对派。在大陆代表政权的舆论中,香港的民主派也一直被视为有意抗衡中央 政府的对抗力量。北京认为,行政长官是巩固中央与香港关系最为重要的纽带,认为必须确保香港的行政主导权只掌握在“爱国爱港者”手中,更重要的是得“爱 党”。北大法学教授强世功在其所著相关话题的书籍中,就有明确代表北京对香港的论述,认为香港民主化的发展“并不是民主与否的问题,而是国家利益的问题, 是主权的问题,是是否遵守《基本法》的问题,是是否承认中央权威的问题”。97之后,港府在很大程度上受北京左右,北京不会轻易妥协。
据 自由亚洲10号报道,香港“学生前线”核心成员郑锦满被警方上门拘捕。社民连副主席黄浩铭及人民力量执委苏浩,分别在周三晚及周四凌晨,被警方以“参与非 法集结”为由上门拘捕。二人正被扣留调查,但警方未有透露二人涉及哪宗集结。社民连副主席吴文远表示,黄浩铭已被扣12小时,仍未获悉,已派律师到场了解 事件。
此外,双学也呼吁民众在周三午夜前在金钟集会,采取不反抗、不还击的方式等候警方拘捕香港警计划在清场行动中,由金钟占领区的多个 路口向中心位置推进。被捕者将被送往北角警署,但如果被捕人数过多,附近的黄竹坑警校也将被用来当作临时拘押场所。但香港是法制社会,没有“寻衅滋事”罪 名,48小時內应当允许保释,若得坐监必须打贏官司。
据报道,在金钟现场,执达吏以及数十名戴上白色头盔的助手们,在7000名警员的支 援下,动手清楚多个障碍物,一些大型的铁架和竹棚,则由货车运走,全程顺利,并未遇到反抗。为了防止上次旺角清场警方武力执法的再现,简称警监会的独立监 察警方处理投诉委员会的成员,包括主席在内,均在场监视警员的行动。
香港信报表示,清了場,不等如清走民怨。经过70多天的占领运动,香 港从此不一样。这不单对社会秩序、法治造成冲击,更冲击政府管治、警队威信,以至泛民主派的支持。政府愿意在后占领时期作出修补工作,有回应胜于无;只是 占领运动的爆发并非单纯是市民爭取上楼或者更好的工作机会,其核心之中的核心价值,是希望有公平公义,若政府“把错脉”,占领运动恐怕随时复发,后果难 料。

占 领运动被结束了,但公民抗命仍在持续。旅澳港人黄博士提议:“香港人可以考虑去中资银行挤兑,或取空他们的取款机。把钱从一个分行取款机取出存到另一个分 行。如此往复,不用多少人即可瘫痪一个分行。从金钟撤离后,不合作运动的天地是广阔的。相信充满想象力的香港人,会让我们看到雨伞革命真正遍地开花。”
过去两个月,有香港市民通过Facebook 酝酿不合作运动,讨论得比较多的是缴税上的不合作,以及推迟支付公共住房租金等。
工 党副主席张超雄表示,很希望台湾的政治转型方式能够出现在香港,那就是和平地实现从专制到民主的过渡。然而目前梁振英政府和北京非常强硬,这势必激怒更多 香港人,尽管面对更大的暴力,他们会收缩运动,但他们很快会回来,采用其它的抗争方法,届时〝香港会变得更难治理。”宪政学者吴博士预测:“温和的占中结 束了,未来的愤怒时代即将到来”。
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星期日, 06/02/2019 - 21:46
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Live roulette is an internet casino game which
derives its name of your French for wheel. Occasion played on a wheel that enable you to place bets on a variety or a wide range of numbers, red or
black color and odd or even numbers. When you play live dealer roulette the dealer spins the wheel and releases a ball
into that. The ball in order to rest 1 hand number when the wheel comes to a standstill.
That determines whether someone has won or not just.
Live roulette games can be purchased in multiple variations, but the fundamentals remain identical.
Roulette was first played in France it's now played throughout
society where casinos are legal.
Sound easier than you think? The rules are quite as
well as so is placing table bets. Winning is a different
story. Many have asserted there is not an technique to winning
at roulette. However, many roulette systems would beg to differ.
With all the right system you are able to earn a lot of money a day
by playing online. Playing online roulette wheel and offline are two completely different things.
Online roulette is in fact a software that rotates numbers and after a couple of time those rotations
are repeated.
Number four step actuality that each player will show the cards to the
table. Then her active cards possess to option of being designed into the face-up
card. A farmer with 2 cards will be active she can add
that to the stockpile. Or she can put greeting card on the table and call it a snake oil
salesman. If there are 2 jokers in a player's playing card
then that is discarded.
Roulette is extraordinary game from other table
games in that the roulette chips do donrrrt you have a value
printed fitted. The table comes with chips in six to eight shapes and colours.
A player gets his or her own color as well as the
value, that's the buy-in, divided with number of roulette
chips received. Generally, the roulette dealer will put an expression on the dealer's stack of to suggest its valuation.
As back of the car on current roulette market most with the sellers sale roulette systems but count
on me these is not what you will want because one roulette system represent just one roulette strategy and the thing you in order to lose cash and nothing more.
Roulette and in our case it RNG system change dynamically and you'll need during
one session several strategies for this reason the ideal solution in this case are using of roulette tools.
The outside bets are another essential requirement in case of Online Roulette's per
the rules of outside bet, you are likely to not be able to lay a bet on many between 1- 38.
Guidelines of another bet usually the bet must satisfy the minimum bet placed using the betting dining
room table.
This a great way to begin playing online roulette since you automatically double your betting budget.
Doing this you tends to make larger bets right away giving
just better chance at earning larger payouts.
As might see there isn't much towards rules of roulette.
Around the globe a pure game of risk. However be conscious there are two various sorts of roulette,
American and European. American roulette has two zero's whereas European roulette merely has one.
Having two zero's tips provides house (casino) a slight increased casing.
If the choice is available, go for the European version. http://argesto.ru/bitrix/rk.php?goto=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.m1avio.com%2Findex...
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There are several essential details to live roulette online and
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must want to decide may work as table design with regard to putting your own table choices.
The two simple gamble places, the within wagering region, in which your numbers can be as well as the exterior gambling location in that the colorings along with
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The roulette is an internet casino game, and
so it has a property edge. Home edge in American Roulette is
higher than that of other casino games. In fact, house edge associated with American Roulette is all 5.26 against 2.70 in the European version. A lot of of the
two zeros, which are for a ton of snakes. Every time,
the ball falls in the zero, property wins, you'll be able to lose.
Your prospects of winning against a higher house edge are always lower.
French argues that the roller was created to "their" famous mathematician Blaise Pascal in endless efforts to move continually, the constant look.
While all this is not proven, to believe that the original
was the genuine game participant who has played mostly at
your own home. In the 17 th century in Italy, a popular pastime, but is prohibited in the best
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For a holy place called On line casino.
Try to decide on the right kind of casino can do not
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There are a few different involving betting techniques.
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